Friday, June 3, 2011

Relationship - Connecting People

Relationships are the keys to being successful and living life to the fullest. When you work on relationships, the rest will follow. It has deep emotional meaning and brings up feelings and memories of peoples who greatly touched in our life. What matters most in life to you? money, time, friends, family? All of those topics have one common denominator, relationships!
         Relationships are all about listening!
  L - lock them in the eye.
  I - invest in people. Accept them for who they are.
  S - stop doing whatever else you are doing and focus on the other person as you are with them.
  T - think about that they are saying, not about how you are going to respond.
  E - empathize with them. how would you feel? how do you want to be treated?
  N - notice body language, yours and theirs.
          Human beings are social creatures; in our day to day lives we are constantly meeting and interacting with peoples, and creating relationships with them. Fathers, mother, sibling, friend, lover, co-worker, subordinate - these are just few examples of relationships which are common to all peoples across the globe. Relationships are what our lives are made of, and happy relationships make for a happy and satisfied life. Human beings have an inherent need to develop meaningful relationships. We all want to share our goals, ideas, joys, sorrows,desires, affections and experiences with someone else.
          There are many types of relationships. Relationship affects our lives in many different ways every day.


         Romantic relationships are the type that people most often think of when they think about relationships. Boyfriends, girlfriends and spouse make up the many types of romantic relationships. These relationship involve lots of hormones and emotions and can often end badly if the relationship does not work out. They can be very stressful as one person tries to please the other but they can be very fulfilling as people are filled with love for each other. A romantic relationship can make you feel very complete.


     Friendly relationships may include those between our friends, peers, fellows, workers, and other acquaintances.  These relationships are a very important aspects of your life even if you do not realize it. The company you keep say something about you and the people you are around everyday have an impact on the type of person you are and how you feel about them. These  can be very important relationships. Some people depend on these friendly relationships more than others but we are all affected by them in some way.


   Family relationship are those that involves people related to you. This can be the people who live in your household and your immediately family and also your distant relatives. There are bonds between a mother and her children, between a father and children and between siblings. These family relationship can also have a big impact on who you are as a person.     

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